How to Reset Your Bosch Tankless Water Heater

Error Code What It Means What to Do
E1 Water temperature is too high Check for any obstructions in the vents and ensure proper water flow. Wait for the heater to cool down.
E2 Water flow is too low Make sure the water filter isn’t clogged and check for any leaks in the water line.
E3 Flame failure Inspect the gas supply and ensure the gas valve is open. Look for any issues with the ignition system.
E4 Overheating Check if the unit is overheating due to high water temperature settings. Let the unit cool down before resetting.
E5 Electrical fault Ensure all electrical connections are secure. If the problem persists, contact a technician.
E6 Sensor failure A sensor inside the unit might be faulty. Reset the unit first; if the code remains, consult a professional.

Understanding Your Bosch Tankless Water Heater

How Tankless Water Heaters Work

First things first, let’s talk about how these things work. Unlike traditional water heaters that store a big tank of hot water, tankless models like the Bosch heat water as it flows through the unit. This means you get hot water whenever you need it, without having to worry about running out. It’s pretty nifty!

Common Issues That Might Need a Reset

So, what kind of problems might prompt you to hit that reset button? Well, you might notice inconsistent water temperature, like when your shower suddenly turns cold. You could also see error codes popping up on the display, or the heater might just stop responding altogether. If any of this sounds familiar, it’s time for a reset.

Steps to Reset Your Bosch Tankless Water Heater

1. Turn Off the Power Supply

Before diving into the reset, make sure to turn off the power to the heater. You can do this by flipping the circuit breaker that controls the unit. This step is all about keeping things safe while you work on your heater.

2. Wait for the Heater to Cool Down

Next, you’ll want to let the heater cool down. This is important, especially if it’s been running hot. Give it about 30 minutes to cool off. This way, you’ll avoid any accidental damage and make sure everything’s at a safe temperature.

3. Find the Reset Button

Now it’s time to locate the reset button. On most Bosch models, it’s on the front panel or near the control area. It might be a small, recessed button that requires something like a paperclip to press. If you’re not sure where it is, check your user manual for the exact spot.

4. Press and Hold the Reset Button

Once you spot the reset button, grab something small like a paperclip or the tip of a pen to press and hold it. Keep it pressed down for around 10 to 15 seconds. You might hear a click or see a light change color—that’s your cue that the reset is happening.

5. Turn the Power Back On

After you’ve held the reset button long enough, let go and turn the power back on by flipping the circuit breaker to the “on” position. This will restart the unit and kick off the reset process.

6. Check How the Heater’s Doing

Finally, check to see if the heater’s back to working normally. Test the water temperature and flow to make sure everything’s running smoothly. If the problem continues, you might need to dig a bit deeper.

Troubleshooting After a Reset

If the Heater Doesn’t Reset Properly

If you find that the heater’s still not working right after a reset, there are a few things to check. Start by looking for any error codes on the display and refer to your manual for what they mean. Make sure the power supply is functioning properly and that the circuit breaker isn’t tripped. Also, check that there’s no blockage in the water lines.

Common Issues That Might Need a Professional

Sometimes, even after a reset, you might run into persistent issues that require a professional’s touch. For example, if you keep getting error codes or if there are electrical problems, it’s best to call in a technician. Also, if you notice any strange noises or leaks, that’s a sign something might be seriously wrong.

When to Call a Professional

So, how do you know when it’s time to bring in a pro? If you’re seeing recurring error codes, hearing unusual noises, or dealing with persistent leaks, it’s a good idea to get a professional involved. Regular maintenance is also crucial to keep your heater in top shape, so consider scheduling a check-up to avoid bigger issues down the road.


Resetting your Bosch tankless water heater is a simple fix for many common issues, and you can definitely handle it yourself with a bit of guidance. Just follow the steps we’ve laid out, and you should be able to troubleshoot and sort out minor problems with ease. But if you keep running into trouble or something seems off, don’t hesitate to call in a pro. Keeping up with regular maintenance and prompt repairs will keep your heater in top shape and ensure you get that perfect hot water whenever you need it.

Key Takeaway:

Resetting your Bosch tankless water heater is a handy way to fix minor issues and keep everything running smoothly. Just follow a few easy steps and stay on top of regular maintenance to keep enjoying reliable hot water without any major problems.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should I reset my Bosch tankless water heater?

You should only reset the heater when you’re troubleshooting specific issues. Regular resets are not necessary and could be a sign of a larger problem.

Can I do the reset myself, or do I need a professional?

Most resets are straightforward and can be done by yourself. If you’re unsure or if the issue persists, consulting a professional might be a good idea.

What should I do if my heater shows an error code after a reset?

Check your user manual for information on the error code. If the problem continues, it might be time to call a technician for further diagnosis.

How can I avoid issues with my tankless water heater?

Regular maintenance, proper installation, and timely repairs are key. Make sure to have your unit inspected regularly to keep it in good shape.

What are some common problems that need professional help?

Common issues include persistent error codes, electrical problems, and internal component failures. If you notice unusual noises, leaks, or inconsistent heating, it’s best to get professional help.

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